Saturday, May 22, 2010

Don't Stop Believing - 2010 Shinerama National Leadership Conference

Welcome Message from the Shinerama Chair, Serena Hartl

Greetings Future Shiners and Shiners of Shinerama’s Past,

My name is Serena Hartl, the current Captain Shinerama in residence and it is my pleasure to be with you on our journey through Shinerama 2010.

Many of you are probably asking yourselves what is Shinerama? Shinerama is many things, it’s a fundraiser, it’s an awareness campaign, it’s a Orientation Week activity, it’s a mind blowing, heart string pulling experience and it’s something like you have never experienced before.

This year as your National Chair I round out a decade with this amazing charity, Shinerama has helped me to become the person I am today, and the friendships I have acquired will last all my life. I have an amazing team of Regional Directors and Campaign Advisors who are as determined as I am to help you have the greatest Shinerama experience possible. We all come from different backgrounds, have had different experiences and literally are from one coast to the other. I have a feeling that this year is going to be the greatest year ever!

So what are we fighting for? We are students fighting cystic fibrosis (CF). CF is an evil disease that effects the respiratory and digestive systems of people the same age as you and I. You will learn all about the disease at the conference so I will not get into that now.

This year at the conference we will gather from over 65 post secondary institutions across Canada, representing more than 34,000 volunteers and 10 provinces. I promise you this will be an experience you will never forget and the most memorable May long weekend of your life. Now that is a pretty big promise, but don’t you worry I will follow through.

I will conclude my short welcome with my definition of Shinerama, I hope by the end of the weekend in London you will have your own definition and share it with me. You are all amazing individuals for taking on this task and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Read the rest of this Sun Times to learn more about what to expect from the conference and what to bring. See you soon!

Trying to define Shinerama is like trying to explain Love – it’s nearly impossible unless you’ve been in it. And even when you’ve been in it, it’s different for everyone. Not even an experienced Shiner can truly grasp or explain Shinerama to its truest and deepest meaning. Its concepts are a never-ending story of an open book of experiences. Shinerama lives in one's heart, where memories are but shadows lingering in your soul. Shinerama is a living spirit it brings young people together to save young people. It becomes a part of who you are and as you grow – it grows too.

Always shining,

Serena Hartl

Shinerama Chair