Monday, August 27, 2012

Light the Way: Getting Shinerama into the Hearts of O-week Volunteers

Every September, Post-Secondary Institutions across the nation welcome hundreds, if not thousands, of fresh-faced, sometimes excited, often terrified students to their respective campuses. During Orientation Week, these first year students are bombarded with tons of information about their new campus, classes, roommates, which bars to frequent or avoid, and the choicest online courses to take (for those interested, Carleton offers an excellent course called “Dinosaurs”).
Western University Orientation Week Rally
As a Shinerama volunteer or leader, you have likely been blessed with the daunting task of filling their fresh brains with even more information. Not only that, but also why they should care about that information. So the question arises, Kyle, how can I motivate Shiner Nation?

Well, I’m glad you asked! The easiest answer would be to hire Drew Dudley of Nuance Leadership, but I’m sure you already knew that. What other method is available to you? Well my suggestion is that there is a more effective option than just explaining what Shinerama is, and why you've decided it is important that your shiners should join in and help. These things are important to know, but often come after the initial motivation is created to want to learn more. A vital theme of your message should be to clearly show the impact each Shiner can make in the lives of others.

“By explaining HOW each individual's contribution to Shinerama directly impacts thousands of people, you will ultimately achieve your goal of your community joining the fight because they WANT to, not simply because it is part of their predetermined programming.” - K. Armstrong, 2012

Is quoting yourself a little self-aggrandizing? Probably, but let's not dwell on that. I’ve told you the big, simple secret on how to motivate your first year students. You’re welcome. Now here's how to create this motivational journey.

The Math Says it All

One of the great things about Shinerama is how easy the success is to not only track, but to quantify. In fact, there are a few simple numbers that will open up your first years’ eyes, and demonstrate to them that they have the opportunity to be a part of something monumental.

48 Years Ago:

64      Aka 1964; Shinerama was in its infancy, raising funds for Cystic Fibrosis Canada’s research and care programs for the first time.
9,318 That’s how much money Shinerama raised in 1964, a far cry from where we are today.
6        This was the median life expectancy of somebody with cystic fibrosis in 1964. Too often, somebody with this fatal disease would not live to see their teenage years.

Fast forward to 2012:

22.5   That’s how many millions of dollars have been raised by Shinerama since 1964. Good.
48      Incredibly, that’s the median life expectancy now. Not only are Canadians with cystic fibrosis surviving into adulthood, but they are living long enough to make an unforgettable impact on the lives of others, just like you are, and just like your first year students will be.
10      Now, I’ve done some math. The numbers above mean that for every year Shinerama has been in existence, approximately 10 months have been added onto the median life expectancy of somebody who has CF. So really, every year that you and I fight against this terrible disease through Shinerama or another one of Cystic Fibrosis Canada’s events, somebody lives 10 months longer than they might have without the support of Shine Nation and the tens of thousands of Canadians who join us in our fight.

Putting it all Together

As you can see, the numbers speak for themselves. What you and other Shinerama student volunteers do, HELPS A LOT. When you put it all together, the impact of thousands of like-minded people across the country joining together in this fight is astronomical. Being involved in Shinerama and the fight against cystic fibrosis literally contributes to improving someone’s life – and how could we ever put a price on more time with our loved ones?
There is still so much more to do; 50% of Canadians with cystic fibrosis who died in 2010 were under the age of 26. So while we recognize the great progress that has been made, don’t let it dull your sense of urgency. Let it inspire you to go further. Shinerama needs all of us to step up and be a part of the movement to find a cure or effective control for cystic fibrosis.

When you let some of these straightforward facts sink into your mind and heart, you realize that this is not just another event on the O-week agenda; each one of us has the opportunity to contribute to changing the lives of real people. And in the process, you just might be changed forever too by becoming a part of Shine Nation.

Think of the things you can do in 10 months. It really puts things into perspective.

When I write a Shinerama blog post in one year from now, I think that the numbers will be even higher. The difference will have been made by the time, heart, and passion you give to this cause.

What will you choose to accomplish?

Kyle Armstrong
Campaign Advisor, ON & QC


  1. It's true that one can easily draw a line from the money that Shinerama raises each year to the breakthrough's in medical research that grant so many CF'ers a longer life!

    From the Sophs to the Frosh and all the other players that make Shinerama work so seamlessly - THANK YOU! Your efforts and dedication to the cause cannot be overstated!

    Our hope is that with the efforts of everyone who participates in Shinerama we will soon see the day where CF stands for CURE FOUND!

    Thank you for everything thing you do!
