The CBU Students’ Union is holding it’s 10th Annual Shinerama Softball tournament on September 11, 2010 and it’s always a great success!
Registration is in teams of 15 with a maximum of ten teams (if you want to get the tournament done in one day). Each player pays $20 to participate in the event and their registration includes a Shinerama softball t-shirt! The teams all get the same designed shirt, but each team gets to pick a colour for their shirt. Registration is on a first come, first serve basis.
You can book a field in your local community and then borrow the equipment from a sporting store or recreation centre.
The rules are VERY simple. Here’s how our tourney works!
1. One new ball must be brought to the field by each team. It should be a softball suitable for lob ball play. Bats and gloves are the responsibility of the team.
2. Each team will be guaranteed two games during the tournament.
3. No touching home plate.
4. No sliding.
5. Each game will consist of six innings or one hour, whichever comes first.
6. There is a five run limit per inning except for the final inning where there is a no runs limit.
7. Batting order must be posted prior to game start and every third person up to bat must be a female.
8. Foul balls hit with two strikes count as a third strike.
9. There must be four women on the field at all times.
10. In the event of inclement weather, the tournament will be re-scheduled.
11. All teams are required to field a full team (with a minimum of four women) at their specified game time at their specified field or else risk forfeiting their game to the opposing team.
12. Standings within each division are ranked by head-to-head matchups, then +/-.
13. One home run per team per inning. Additional home runs are outs.
14. This is for charity so play safe and have fun!
Really, that’s it, that’s all! It’s a relatively simple event to plan with really great results. At CBU, we LOVE having the softball tourney every year and the students love it too!
VP Student Life, Cape Breton University