Monday, July 30, 2012

Guest Post: Drew Dudley Shares the Shinerama Impact

Hi everyone! I wanted to share two brief experiences with you that speak to just how deeply Shinerama impacts Canadian lives.

I speak almost 150 times a year at present, and I don’t think a single one of them has gone by where I haven’t mentioned Shinerama in some way.  However, in some presentations, I talk a great deal about the campaign, the people I’ve met, and the things I’ve learned.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Check Your Local Listings

Shinerama is an awesome event that brings in vital funds for supporting Cystic Fibrosis Canada’s efforts to further quality CF research and care. We know how very important this is, but there’s another great benefit to Shinerama.  It gets students involved in the community, and the community involved in Shinerama.
Shinerama volunteers from MTA at a community Canada Day BBQ in Sackville, NB
This might be easy to shrug off if you’ve never thought much of volunteering before, or simply haven’t been in a position to have the opportunity.  But as every Shinerama veteran can tell you, once you’ve been bitten by the Shine bug, it just feels right to be involved!  You experience the joy of making new friends, helping connect with your community, and knowing deep down that what you’re doing is making a difference in a real person’s life.  The grown-up words for these wonderful things are philanthropy and civic engagement.  Hit the jump to read more!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Upcoming Events: Gala and Softball Tournament at Nipissing & Canadore

Get on your fancy clothes and softball gloves this weekend at Nipissing & Canadore! (but not at the same time..)

From Campaign Coordinator's Nicole Brady and Colby Clarke:
This weekend we have two amazing events taking place that everyone can enjoy. We have a Gala taking place on Friday, July 20, and a Softball Tournament taking place on Saturday and Sunday (July 21-22).

Read on for all the details!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Track ALL the Dollars: Campaign Budgeting Refresher

Today we’re revisiting our most requested topic from May’s National Leadership Conference. Welcome (back) to the lovely world of campaign budgeting! In simple terms, this is your financial plan for a smooth-sailing campaign. Someone has to pay for those awesome t-shirts!

Shiners at Dalhousie University collect donations on Shine Day

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Shinerama Memories - Mount Allison University

We asked you to send us your super shiny memories! 
We want to hear from you! Send your favourite, cherished, hilarious, or just plain awesome memories of your Shinerama experiences to

This Shinerama Memory comes to us from Elyse Thibeault of Mount Allison University.

My friend
Sydney and I were site leaders on Shine Day last September, and I think this story proves the devotion Mount Allison University students have towards Shinerama!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Shinerama Updates from McMaster University!

From McMaster Campaign Coordinator Alyscia McMullin:
"So here is what is happening at McMaster! Towards the end of June the McMaster Student Union held their annual golf tournament known as the McMasters. Last year was the first year they partnered with Shinerama, and this year we partnered again and were able to raise around $5000!! It was a great day of fun in the sun, and then we came back to 1280 the on-campus bar for a lovely steak dinner as well as a raffle table put together by me and my Shine Team.

As for other summer events, our on-campus society known as the SOCS went to the Pride walk and raised around $700. As well, a few of our other faculties have been going to Hess Street and doing bar blitzes on the weekend. I don't have any photos right now, but when I get them I will send them along. At this point with online donations as well as cash we are sitting around the $10,000 mark for funds raised so far!!

In August we are looking forward to the faculty of Kinesiology holding their charity volleyball tournament for Shinerama."
This is a great example of how you can use summer to roll out some powerhouse fundraising events! Keep up the awesome work McMaster!

Friday, July 6, 2012

Getting Help From the Fundraising Pro's

Don’t Let it Happen to You…
The sun rises on Shine Day. You’ve planned and planned. Your shine army is recruited and well-armed, running for the front lines with energy, soooo many stickers, shine kits, and donation boxes aplenty.  You, er, thought you were ready…

But wait! You don’t have enough cars to get them to the shine sites! Who will help count all the change when every shiner is out trolling the streets? And most critical of all, who will help you feed this hungry mass of shiners when they come running in from a fun, exhausting day of shining!?!?!

Don’t despair! Kin Canada and Cystic Fibrosis Canada chapters are there!

Read on to find out how to take advantage of these invaluable resources!