Monday, July 2, 2012

Canada Day Weekend Stiletto Stampede by The University of New Brunswick, Saint John

Read on to see more about the results of the Stiletto Stampede!
From Campaign Coordinator Stefan Warner:
"Here are a few of the pictures of our Stiletto Stampede. One of the best moments about the weekend was meeting a parent of a child with cystic fibrosis who will come speak to shiners on Shine Day. It was nice to meet someone who's life we could really change with some hard work. We raised just over $600 that day with the help of 50/50 and selling swag... to be honest it was difficult to get individuals to register at a first-time event, but it is an awesome, fun and unique event that is just a hoot."

The winners of the Stiletto Stampede!
Congrats to UNB Saint John for organizing such a fun event that got the community involved in Shinerama!