Monday, July 23, 2012

Check Your Local Listings

Shinerama is an awesome event that brings in vital funds for supporting Cystic Fibrosis Canada’s efforts to further quality CF research and care. We know how very important this is, but there’s another great benefit to Shinerama.  It gets students involved in the community, and the community involved in Shinerama.
Shinerama volunteers from MTA at a community Canada Day BBQ in Sackville, NB
This might be easy to shrug off if you’ve never thought much of volunteering before, or simply haven’t been in a position to have the opportunity.  But as every Shinerama veteran can tell you, once you’ve been bitten by the Shine bug, it just feels right to be involved!  You experience the joy of making new friends, helping connect with your community, and knowing deep down that what you’re doing is making a difference in a real person’s life.  The grown-up words for these wonderful things are philanthropy and civic engagement.  Hit the jump to read more!

How can you connect more closely with your local community?

Well I am so glad you asked! By examining your local listings you can search for other events that might coincide with Shinerama. Finding local, pre-existing events to go out and get involved in can help you promote Shine Day and Shinerama as a whole.  This can be a great balance to secondary fundraisers since there may be less involved in setup and teardown as the event is not hosted by you. 

So break open your address book, get out the local newspapers and your red marker.  Here’s what you’re looking for:
  • Partner Events: Are there some events hosted by Cystic Fibrosis Canada chapters and one of our national partner's such as Kin Canada at which you can represent Shinerama?
  • Fests are Best: Summer is festival central. From rib-fests to music and waterfront festivals to a family day on Main Street - look ahead for occasions at which you can represent Shinerama. See if you can set up a booth; you could sell items like balloons, face paint, and offer good ol' shoe shinings. Often you can even get these booths for free because you’re representing a charity.
  • Local Community Groups: Is there an active local society or community club that may be interested in making a donation to your campaign?
  • Company Events: See if there are events being put on by non-conflicting companies; for example large firms may put on a family and friend’ s BBQ. See if you can attend the event to face paint or grill burgers for donation. It can be a mutually beneficial arrangement that also nets you some donations and ups the local awareness of our cause.
  • Community Calendar: Is there a community event calendar that you can participate in to promote Shinerama events and Shine Day?
  • Local Government: Get in touch! Often they are willing to make a special proclamation for Shine Day and this can bring great awareness for your campaign!

Know your Key Messages

After you’ve spoken to someone at a community event, what lasting impression do you want them to walk away with?  It’s important to review your key speaking points in case you have an opportunity to share more about Shinerama, cystic fibrosis, and Cystic Fibrosis Canada (for more info on these, check out the Shinerama Media Tool Kit).  So when a person eyes your table and asks what you’re selling stickers or talking to people for, what will you say?
  • Try to leave someone with one to two key facts to think about.  This is easier to recall than five or six things about your message (although I know we could list a lot more than that even).
  • Always end your message with an actionable statement that allows your listener to do something about what you’ve just told them.  For example, “Can I give you a lollipop in exchange for a donation to our Shinerama Campaign?” or, “You can support research and care for this fatal disease by donating directly to our Shinerama campaign at”.
  • Be polite and tactful.  Not everyone will be interested.  But for the most part, people love seeing students out supporting this great cause!
  • Always smile big and thank the person for sharing a moment of their time.

Keep spreading Shinerama love everywhere you go!

Teagan Gahler
Regional Director, Alberta